Gemini Strategy 

& Governance

Working at the intersection of strategy, governance and technology to help your business navigate its most complex challenges.

Servicing a duality of niche markets, we understand the unique priorities risks, and opportunities faced by both startups and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as large corporate and government organizations. At the convergence of technology, business and organizational strategy, our innovative solutions propel your company toward successful achievement of its most challenging business goals.

Startups & Small-to-Medium Enterprises 

Your Most Common Challenges

How We Can Help

Resource constraints (i.e. time, money, knowledge, people) faced by most startups and SMEs are a significant contributor to their most common challenges.  

Our deep experience working both in the venture capital ecosystem, and working client-side on significant technology acquisition programs, enables us to support our clients rapidly, to a high quality, and for a fraction of the cost of other options.  

Corporate & Government Organizations 

Your Most Common Challenges

How We Can Help

Your organization is increasingly reliant on technology to ensure your business returns profits. Our team is dedicated to your success every step of the way. 

Leveraging our extensive knowledge and expertise, we curate innovative solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. As your strategic partner, we support your organization at each juncture to navigate its most complex initiatives.  

Embark on a transformative journey with Gemini Strategy, where your successes are our foremost concern. Harnessing the power of our expertise and forward-thinking strategies, we will help you to navigate the ever-evolving technology and governance landscape, and to shape a future where your firm stands unrivaled.